My struggle with panic attacks & OCD inspired my research into mindfulness.

Alexis (aka Rexx) is a certified meditation and mindful movement facilitator.

A lot about dealing with anxiety can be counterintuitive. Her goal is to share what she wishes she had known when she was struggling with an anxiety disorder. In doing so, she hopes to make others’ journeys a little easier.

She believes that your challenges today will be the catalyst for your greatest strengths tomorrow.


Exubrancy, Corporate Meditation Instructor

YWCA, Stress Reduction Group Facilitator


M.A. in Sociology & Research Methodology, University of California Davis (UC Davis)

Meditation Teacher Certification, Three Jewels (200 Hours)

Mindful Movement Teacher Certification, Good Move Brooklyn (100 Hours)

Compassionate Listener Certification

Articles & Publications:

Made of Millions